Tenacious D Mixed Comedy and Rock to Melt Happy Faces at The Factory Monday

–by Sean Derrick
The comedy rock duo of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, collectively known as Tenacious D, returned to Saint Louis Monday for a sold-out show at The Factory at The District in Chesterfield.
The show was the second of only five in the US this year before they head over to Europe in June. Not surprisingly all five sold out in a matter of hours, sometimes minutes. For anyone who was wondering if The D was still popular (really, is anyone really wondering this?) even though they haven’t had a new album in five years, the answer is a resounding yes.

Just because they haven’t had a new album recently doesn’t mean there isn’t new original material. During the show they performed “Video Games” which made its world premiere just two nights prior in Georgia. It’s a fun (what Tenacious D song isn’t?) country rock romp through the gaming culture with references to “God of War”, ‘Red Dead Redemption 2″, and “Fallout 4”. The duo did mention recently that they would release a follow up to “Pick of Destiny” this October (though nothing is mentioned yet on IMDB.com.) Hopefully that means a new album is coming out with it, if it is true. Check out the video for “Video Games” HERE.

Most of the show centered around songs from their self-titled debut album from 2001, 2006’s Pick of Destiny and 2012’s Rize of the Fenix. Black also performed their popular “Sax-A-Boom”, that is until Gass one-upped him with his “Max-A-Boom” (Performed while the Saxaphone solo of Gerry Rafferty’s “Baker Street” played out.)

Of course the duo loves to get laughs and builds that into their songs and performances. This show was no exception. (Spoiler: Throughout the show Black and Gass brag about the massive amount of pyro, which they invested heavily in, will “melt your faces”. After a glitch early in the show Black brings out the pyro guy to straighten things out, only to be repeatedly let down throughout the night before finally getting it right at the end. Masterful.)

Apart from the typical comedic banter back and forth from long time best buds Black and Gass they actually do perform a great show. Whether it is original rock songs like “Tribute”, or “Rize of the Fenix”, or “Wonderboy” they do prove they have talent to write great songs.

Black proved his vocal range can go further than just rock and metal with a nicely done cover of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game”. But don’t worry, that was the only serious slow song. Black also Sang a snippet of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” before the entire audience took over.

Tenacious D (Black and Gass on vocals and acoustic guitars, John Spiker on bass, John Konesky on lead guitar, and drummer Scott Seiver) each got a moment in the spotlight. Black even spotlighted the crew and roadies, and sound and light guys (even giving the light guy a “solo”).

Hopefully they will return to the States in in the fall, or when their next album drops.
Steel Beans opened the show. This dude…if you never heard of him (chances are you haven’t) do yourself a favor and go check him out after you finish here. This one-man band is Jeremy DeBardi and he is pretty phenomenal.

DeBardi, er Steel Beans, came out with a white suit and cowboy hat, guitar strapped around him, and sits down behind a drum kit. Some in the audience were skeptical, with some in the front openly questioning “WTF?” Soon, their skepticism turned to awe as Steel Beans proceeded to rock out playing guitar and drums at the same time. Holding a pick in his right hand, along with a drumstick, Debardi strummed chords while bashing away on the drum kit simultaneously, while singing. Hell, I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time. OH, and he also played keyboards with his hand at times.

Steel Beans sounds like a mix of White Stripes and Black Keys. He also was slamming Red Bulls while he was playing, adding later: “This is just me abusing caffeine. The music is the background.” I probably would be slamming those, too if I had to expend as much energy as that for a 40 minute gig.

Check out the rest of the photos from the night after the setlist below.
Tenacious D Setlist:
Low Hangin’ Fruit
Rize of the Fenix
Video Games
Max-A-Boom (“Baker Street”by Gerry Rafferty)
Dude (I Totally Miss You)
Wicked Game (Chris Isaak cover)
Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)
Panama (Van Halen cover, snippet)
Double Team
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover, snippet)
Master Exploder
The Metal
Fuck Her Gently