Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Live Events

Metallica left it all on the stage in Louisville

–by Keith Brake

Hello Midwest Rewind family! Well, it has been awhile since I reviewed a concert for you all and while I have been away I trust that each and every one of you had a great holiday season and a wonderful new year! Now, on to the business at hand…Metallica!

Metallica at the KFC YUM! Center, Louisville, KY.

I traveled to edge of our Midwest territory to take in show at the KFC YUM! Center in Louisville Kentucky. Was it worth the drive? You can bet your very last dollar it was! Metallica is on their “World Wide Tour” and boys and girls they are still killing it after thirty eight years! This particular tour the stage is set up in the center of the venue with Lars’ drum kit right in the middle. The cool thing about this setup is that the band is able to cater to fans from every angle while being surrounded by all the hard core pit fans, really very cool.

When you are Metallica you certainly do not need a supporting band and there wasn’t one but that doesn’t mean they left the fans to just wait in boredom. Enter comedian Jim Breuer, yes, “Goat Boy”. Jim’s mission was quite clear, to entertain and hype the crowd and as it turns out he is quite good at it. At one point he was in the crowd chatting with fans, while the next on stage, leading metal song sing alongs. While this would not be considered the “norm”, like I said earlier, it is Metallica, the band that set a single event attendance record at Spirit Center in KC, MO and then did the same thing at the KFC YUM! Center. When you are pulling crowds that size consistently you pretty much do what you want.

Metallica at the KFC YUM! Center, Louisville, KY.

When the show got started it was 150% from the first note struck. Thirty-eight years of music and touring has not slowed these guys down a bit, they still rock, HARD! The crowd was so large and so invigorated with passion for the band that, at times, they were all that could be heard. I have been to many, many concerts and I have never heard a response like this one, simply fantastic and awe inspiring. The band loved this and fed from it, all smiles all night, throwing sticks and picks to their adoring fans and, most importantly, playing their music to absolute perfection from start to finish.

They show seemed to be one highlight following the next. The event showcased many moments that helped push this show over the top. You may have noticed the 5 star rating at the top of the page. An all inclusive drum solo, choreographed drones and let’s not forget the pyro. My favorite memories of the evening were a powerful performance of “Creeping Death” followed by “For Whom The Bell Tolls” and a little special moment presented to the crowd by Robert Trujillo and Kirk Hammett. They took a break from their normal set to play a Robin Trower song in honor of Robin’s birthday…it was raw, off the cuff unrehearsed and AWESOME! To see musicians paying homage to their heroes, seemingly on a whim, is pure magic.

Metallica at the KFC YUM! Center, Louisville, KY.

The Tour only has only two stops left here in the states before they rock legends take their show to Europe. Metallica completely blew me away with this tour and I, for one, hope they will see fit for another in the future. They are still what they have always been, an amazing rock band that continues to touch generation after generation with their music.

As always, thanks for the continued support.

Peace, Keith.

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